May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

What does it say about the country I live in when I can’t tell if this is truth or parody? The whole thing sounds entirely plausible for Portland, so my money’s on truth!

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

What it says is that you live in Clown World. Hopefully, you are preparing accordingly. You should have a bugout location and an escape route for when things truly go next level. And if you live in a big city or are planning to escape by car, forget it; you're toast.

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Trust me, been ready! Grew up in Libya and Venezuela…I’ve seen how crazy things can get. I still don’t think folks in the US have any idea about what could occur. Hope I’m wrong, but I encourage everyone to really think about it!

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I've been encouraging people to think about it for 30 years.

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Haha was going to say same thing!

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I live in Portland Oregon. I was born and raised here. My mother's family are Oregon Trail Pioneers.

Every word of this is FICTION. It's a fictional story.

ANTIFA is not a "gang" here, and they do not run the streets. It's not 2020 anymore.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

That was so funny I had to read the first headline out loud for my wife and she laughed, too. If my budget ever allows it (I know $7 per month is reasonable; but if I subscribe to half a dozen "'Stacks" that would cost me more than $500.00 per year and I don't have it.) That being said, if things turn around, you will have another paid subscriber. Thank you for posting.

As regards your question regarding the fate of Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Flint, Atlanta, and NYC, once Bidenomics kicks in, the brain damaged racists and anarchists will turn to cannibalism and, if one of Biden's brains is still functioning, bounties could (and should) be put on these lawbreakers.

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Yes cannibalism seems like the next logic step lol. Thank you so much Charles, appreciate the positive feedback and pledge of support! Just a clarification, our paid subscription is $5. We're working hard to get the word out so a share and a recommendation would be super helpful. Thanks and have a GREAT weekend!

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Hittin' em outta the park, as usual Kyle 😜😂😜

Reminds me of the cops delivering coffee to the brown extremist protesters here in Ontario.

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Haha didn't know about that but doesn't surprise me. Several Canadian cities share a lot in common with Portland. Thanks for the positive feedback!

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Yeah.... Betcha can guess what coffee shop it was from 😂

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Hah! Sounds like Vancouver!

Hell, in Toronto people can’t use their ring door cams as evidence because it violates the privacy of the thief. FFS!

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Yup I heard about that. Insane!

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You nailed it again Kyle! Wendy, a tent dwelling homeless person says there are no police around if you get in trouble. They are probably too busy requisitioning parking tickets at the main AAF headquarters: https://nypost.com/2023/01/03/portland-woman-says-homelessness-is-piece-of-cake-thanks-to-3-meals-lax-drug-policies-no-cops/

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Thanks c Anderson! Yes the situation there seems dire, I'm amazed by the videos I see on X by reporters like Andy Ngo.

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

And yet the people of Portland must be just fine with the situation! They ALLOW this to continue with their unwillingness to fight their city and state government over this and other liberal policies. What a shining example of liberal policies they have become.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Remember how crack-smoking DC mayor Marion Barry was re-elected after spending six months in prison for the illegal use of narcotics? the tax wasters of Washington, DC re-elected him in 1990. These are the scum that have ruined the USA.

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

If I believed that elections were fair and honest, I’d blame the voters….can’t even do that any more. Same as Portland voting in these liberal corrupt leaders, while the rest of Oregon is ready to leave the state. More fair and honest elections, indeed!

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Are you a Portlandian?

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Actually, we could use a few more polite police officers. Meanwhile, for quite awhile now, the considerable resources of police departments seem to devoted to harassing motorists doing 75 MPH on roadways with a grade and alignment for vehicles going in excess of 100 MPH, citing people for having a beer can in their car, harassing people truly down on their luck, profiling minorities, planting "evidence" at traffic stops, escalating situations during "wellness checks", attacking "auditors" videotaping interactions, and just generally acting like complete jerks in full public view.

"Defunding the Police" is one thing Portland got right over the last ten years or so. What they got wrong was restricting the carrying of firearms. I would be willing to bet that in a city where one could see citizens openly carrying holstered weapons, violent crimes would be way, way down. I would also be in favor of the complete abolition of parking meters and suchlike. Of course, anybody who parks on the sidewalk should be cited for obstructing traffic, have his vehicle towed, and have to pay to have it bailed out of the garage.

But that is just tmuch too logical and sane for Biden's America.

Good luck going forward. You're gonna need it.

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Agree mostly. Not sure defunding the police was the right answer however, it seems to have resulted in worse conditions overall in some cities. Open carry would definitely help.

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May 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I lived in Kansas City for ten years. Nightly, we had helicopters pursuing shoplifters, which was highly annoying for all the neighborhood. (What joy, to be awakened at midnight to the sound of low flying rotors and multiple sirens...)

Meanwhile, the city was a nest of corruption. Bridge repairs that took years to complete. Competing mafiosi for political positions. Drug shootouts on the main streets. Hookers plying their wares in areas full of children. Crack houses full of people on the verge of committing suicide.

I used to walk with my large husky through the neighborhoods, and I was perfectly safe. (If they shot my dog I would get the thug, and vice versa...)

What has resulted in worse conditions in the cities is the absolute destruction of motherhood, fatherhood, and Christian virtue...

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