I knew better than to watch the opening ceremony because I knew they would continue as with past opening ceremony's to promote everything unholy, vile, demonic, and use innocent children as their fodder.

The Olympics is simply another worldly celebration of greed, immodesty, demonic influenced ideology, and completely a waste of time.

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Totally agree. I have not watched a minute of the Olympics since 1976.

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I honestly don't remember the last one we watched. Most likely it was a winter one

Watching people swim bores me.

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It is a sign of the times that softball has been replaced by breakdancing at the Olympics. The swimming suits, while no doubt providing a modicum of reduced friction for the racers, will likely be completely removed within twelve years. Har Har. Who am I kidding? We won't be around.

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Bingo!! 💯%

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It is impossible to distinguish satire from the news anymore.

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I feel like an idiot.

I know I'm not, but this world is driving me over the edge

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The very best remedy is prayer. The very best prayer is the Most Holy Rosary.

This was all foretold, especially by the Prophet Daniel and St John in the Apocalypse. (Read the Prophet Daniel, he is much easier to read.)

Do get away from it all. Take the dog for a long walk and leave all the electronic felgercarb behind.

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"Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you," ...

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I like the word felgergarb

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I feel sorry for the French having their culture bastardised by this sorry spectacle

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The French were the ones who started this in 1789. The Chickens have come home to roost.

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Every revolution has a counter revolution. The Jacobins realized that when Napoleon returned France to stability and to the end of "the terror". The 4th Reich has been terrorizing the world ever since Truman created the CIA.

The current mass hysteria causing such extremes in perversion and a mockery of god is the Tao at work. The pendulum is now swinging towards normality. Yet, with its influx of Muslims and Algerians, will it be the first European nation to fall to the Muslim invasion?

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"The Pendulum is now swinging toward normality"? In what universe?

The "Terror" of the French Revolution never ended. Instead, it has metastasized and mutated to more subtle but virile strains. Satanic Pederasts now clearly rule the world, from the Vatican to the Kremlin.

Dead ahead- Armageddon and the Annihilation of Nations.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

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It is interesting that you would say the Terror never ended. I agree that Satanic Pederasts rule the West - but the Kremlin seems determined to protect orthodox Christianity.

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Certainly more so than u kno who

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"Biden" - the name that must not be uttered. Kamala is our leader. Kamala has always been our leader. We are happy.

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The Kremlin and the Orthodox are in on it. So is the Vatican. Armageddon dead ahead.

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Everything is happening as ordained. It's best to remain calm.

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Your "lady" is in on it.

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How so? Do tell? Do you know anything about what happened at Fatima, Portugal on Oct 13th, 1917. (Hint, it was bigger than Moses parting the Red Sea.)

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Don't mean to offend you, but that event was orchestrated by the Vatican. And the Vatican is orchestrated by Satan. We know the Vatican and its army of Jesuits is evil and corrupt. I write about it. Again, not trying to offend, but I've been saturated in a King James Bible for way too long to be ignorant of his (Satan's) devices.

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I saw a movie (1950) ish. About the miracle of Fatima. But beyond that I don't remember what happened

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True. First WW should have shown this

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Your offerings are always spot-on and timely.

It is interesting how, all over the Western World (following the lead of our psychotic, perverted, and corrupt government) we hear praise about being inclusive while excluding Christians and anyone with a moral compass.

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Good satire, but in the past a responsible TV Network would have pulled the plug on such offensive content. You have the right to be perverted in private, not on TV and certainly not with children.

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I’m not sure we ever had a responsible tv network. They’re only responsible to their masters and that’s not the viewers.

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I wrote about similar stuff in my substack.


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I'm old...things were a bit different in the 50's and early 60's. News Media was owned by over 50 different people or corporations...still inherently biased but you could find different viewpoints to consider. Today everything is owned by 5, so you get uniformity of opinion. TV Networks assumed kids were always watching, and a blue man with his tentacles hanging out would not have aired. In some ways were better off, in others, not so much.

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And the silver lining to this disgusting display, is that the world gets to see what is in store for them and their children if this is allowed to continue unabated….

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satan and lucifer are on a zoom call right now adjusting cooperation and strategy...

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You mean Satan and the Vatican. Satan and Lucifer have been allies for a long time.

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Satan and Lucifer are one and the same. The light and dark. Black and white. He is not the True Light that made the world, entered it, and is saving all who believe Him by the Word in a 1611 King James Bible.

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I totally agree that Lucifer and Satan are one and the same. He is the light of the Illuminati.

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Geneva Edition

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Ok, show me in the GE any verse that can compare to the mathematics in a 1611, such as the verses shown here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNbnYtyemCg&list=PLMO6CXh-QhUUKo1YQqizyJyxulBvYfnuC

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allies have their differences too and it might just be they realised they have been used by too many people.

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plus i have an inkling they like the devil less and less.

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Toss the tv out the window. You have no idea what a wonderful world there is outside of that black scrying machine.

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You can forget about morals there is us & them

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It is tragic that demonic influence has infiltrated and ruined everything decent and worthwhile including sports which had been a valuable avenue for children to do healthy things, work with others to achieve a good goal, and build up self control while helping them work to accomplish something they might never have accomplished.

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Sad that locker rooms are no longer a safe zone for young people.

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There is no safe place for young people or all people.

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Safety requires that good people stand up for their Constitutional Rights. We can’t kowtow to the progressives’ ideology or we become enslaved.

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The ideology of progressives have the same Constitutional right to be promoted, taught, financed and celebrated as the ideology of conservatives, libertarians, Satanists, or any other ideology so I guess I don't understand your point. When that which is evil but not considered evil by a good portion of society, has the same protections in the Constitution as that which is good even if most people think something is good, we can see how evil can and has prevailed over the good.

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Progressives push the agenda that children are sexual beings at birth and sex ed needs to start in kindergarten. This is total BS and if people don’t stand against it, we are going to have a country of kids who are promiscuous at very early ages. We have the right as parents to protect our children from becoming sexualized by public schools. Progressives don’t have a right to indoctrinate our kids.

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No Elaine. Progressives are special people with extra rights, and most of us know that. Rules for thee, but not for me is how it works. Dim dems often suffer from memory lapses when it comes to their own hypocrisy.

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Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit against NBC for airing the obscene mockery of The Last Supper.

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You mean it blew up in their faces and they are scrambling for cover?

My question regards IOC oversight in defense of their brand.

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Highlites are DENGE FEVER bed bugs race 👉😠

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That I'd like to see

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Once we all realize the ILLUSION, it goes away. 🙏🌎

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say some buddhists

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Didn't a quote often attributed to Lenin say "There are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen".

This was cultural shift in an instant.

It has turned the tide, and washed away all illusions that tolerance of debauchery was ever anything to aspire to.

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Boycott Olympic sponsors:












P & G






Group BPCE

Carrefour Group






Group ADP

Air France

Arcelor Mittal

Cause des Depots

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