Jun 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Wonderful! From your pen to God's ears. This is exactly what Fauxi's eternal rewards will be like. I smile just thinking about it.

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Jun 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Fun Read....would that it were true.


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Jun 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

No he’s not.

He’s America’s greatest Jailer.

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Jun 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Brilliant! Now… to manifest it…

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Jun 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Sadly, he’ll not see a single day in jail, and zero consequences for his actions. I hate to be a negative Nancy, but we all know there is no longer “justice” under the Deep State Globalist rule. Karma’s a bitch, though, and all I can say is I’d love to see that meted out! I hope he lives every day of the rest of his life in fear for his safety, as he whiningly stated in his testimony! I know one day he’ll get his Divine Justice, but I just hope I’m around to see the karma part! (I’m sure there’s a herd of beagles waiting for him in Hell!)

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miss read that without my glasses...thought you said Kamala's a B.......


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Haha, well, that would have been on the mark, so….!

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