Jul 26Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

All good satire requires a thread of reality to run through it....well done. Personally, I believe all speech should be protected, regardless. You just point out the hypocrisy and hate involved which exposes the speaker for what they really are. Their opinions become irrelevant and they cancel themselves.

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Jul 26Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

To your point, when I read these, I have to remind myself it’s satire because in this crazy world, everything has become farcical!

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Jul 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Agreed, sometimes I feel as if my brain is exploding, and I really think that with AI it's hard to discern what's real, and what is farce feed. Having said that, this substack makes me laugh

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Jul 26Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I’m not sure the $45 million a month is accurate & there is a lot of evidence that PDJT did not stage it.

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Jul 26Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I forgot to say, what kind of horrible people want to see an assassination in this country? I was alive when JFK, RFK & MLK were assassinated, as it turns out by our own CIA. It’s something that you never forget or get over. Those people are what’s wrong with this country.

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Jul 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I especially liked the part where the CEO fired himself.

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Jul 26Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

That is unprecedented. That many people? I can't believe the story. Folks have to get away from this cult of personality! What happened to going policy by policy? There is no real debate about policy. Cheers

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The Border isn’t about policy? Israel isn’t about policy? Where you been AKSF?

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No the border is about law and order. The money feeding the Gaza situation is not foreign policy it is money wash for the military complex. Our government needs to do what it needs to do to secure the border. Geopolitically we are setting ourselves up for a war in the in the Gaza area and for whom and what? Will you send your family to fight that war? I haven't heard policy I have heard one way dialogues.

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Forgot to mention that Israel upgrades much of the USA military equipment, especially the optical equipment & shares Intel, medical discoveries, agriculture development, & so much more. Have you ever been there? It’s an amazing place.

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I have been told it is a beautiful place. But I was not talking about Israel. As an American military veteran I do not want war for the younger generation coming up that is not there war. America has done enough of that. If you look at the world going forward Israel is under new pressures.

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Israel has never asked for American boots on the ground & you are woefully ignorant on money laundering as far as Israel. According to the MOU of Israel & the USA Israel has to pay back about 80% of the aid that it gets by buying military equipment from the USA. Israel used to manufacture the missiles for the Iron Dome in country but the USA forced them to to put source them to Raytheon in the USA. Israel is very close to not needing the Iron Dome bc it’s about to put to use a laser beam defense system which will cost $20 instead of the exorbitant cost of each Iron Dome missile. This will benefit the USA as well. Not so much Raytheon. IMO Israel would be a lot better off Independent of the USA, then people like you would not be able to criticize them so much. Israel gives so much to the USA & world in so many areas of development and innovation & they get no credit for it. All they get is criticism, hate & murder. The USA has made sure that Israel is dependent upon it. It’s my hope that situation will change very soon. Especially with all the hatred from the democrats.

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Apparently you have a limited scope of the bigger dynamic Mr. Benjamin. The only way Israel wins that police action In Gaza is if a greater war takes place which involves America, Iran, Russia and possibly China by proxy. You just said what I meant by washing money back. 80 percent of the currency not money because only silver and gold are money according to the U.S.A constitution (I do not call it aid) is coming back to Raytheon. That is washing money legally! It comes back to America. The people aka taxpayer of America does not know that. The laser beam technology will be spread out. That will be regular just all technology becomes. I am not criticizing Israel. I am just making a statement about the USA election process. Israel is not relevant in that conversation. Hpwever, I do understand the whole Zionist mantra which has captured the American electorate. Everyone is open to criticism. We are humans who are not perfect beings. If you go back into history there are many who do not get credit To really discuss Israel deeply you must go back to the 1890's when this Zionism was birthed. Then we go to WW1 with the Rothchild and the British government. No America has not made Israel dependent upon it. Isn't Israel a sovereign state? If so then it makes its own decisions. If you don't want America that deep in your life then develop a real economy so you can tell America go screw yourself. It is not hatred from Democrats. The Democrats see the other side of the narrative. The Israeli's wish to discount the other side. Again that is not reality. Whether you feel the Palestinians are human beings are not is a powerful question. Those Democrats who you say hate Israel are maybe posing that question. The active policy of Israel is that the Palestinians are not human beings! Everyone doesn't feel that way. With the internet Israel has to adjust their policy because things that were not exposed before now are.

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Meant to say ‘out source’ the Iron Dome missiles.

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You back to history on policy. This is a cult of personality

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

it worked out great for The Donald, nary a scratch and $45M /mo + endorsement from Musk (that alone brings home the bacon too) so why shouldn’t he try it again, winning formula?

and losers keep excess cash tax free so he wins no matter what happens.

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DONALD J TRUMP 45 - 47...










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What is really fun to watch is that cheating Biden has had to deal with MAGA throughout his entire regime. He hasn’t made any progress with MAGA and lost support from previous progressive, and liberal supporters. Biden is going down in history as a total failure and Trudeau, Castro’s b💩 son will flame out too. Thank the truckers for that!

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