Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

if I were on Sparky’s jury i would have reasonable doubt, how can 🐶 be held responsible when the streets of San Francisco are already a toilet for humans?

(very cute mugshots)

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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Are they going to prosecute the next homeless guy who takes a dump on their pride street?!

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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

As usual I have a hard time discerning whether this is an actual news story or a pun- so clownish has the world become.

At any rate the neighbor down the street does have a Beagle named Sparky- imagine that. Our Sparky is the most vicious excuse for a dog I have ever seen. He barks and growls and goes into a frenzy every time I and my dog pass by. Every once in a while he gets loose and imagine having to catch a dog that wants to bite your hand off. Quite the challenge. (But what Sparky has yet failed to realize is that I do have two of those hands- one to use as a decoy.)

But Sparky can pee on every rainbow crosswalk he encounters. Fine by me.

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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I say this every single time I read this substack!

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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I thought the Star Wars post was a farce- it turned out to be real.

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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

We need dogs insurrection #GoneToTheDogs 🐶

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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Bwahahahaha! Sparky needs to run for mayor! Vast improvement….

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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I vaguely recall seeing a picture of a dog pooping on a rainbow crosswalk on Xitter but not sure if it was real.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Sparky deserves a medal

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Jul 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Finding offense everywhere you look is just self-importance disguised as virtue. So ridiculous.😑

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

This actually led to jail for a Scottish comedian who trained his dog to pee on hearing a Nazi salute.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)
Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

good doggo

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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

They’ll probably have sex with the dog before jailing it, I don’t know which would be worse for the poor dog, jail or tail?

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The "plus" in LGBTQTABCDE+ stands for Sex with Animals.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

That’s my dog ;-) 👍🏻

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

We should all be so brave.

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Jun 30Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Even police horses don’t like the f-ing rainbow crosswalks and they’re trained for riots!



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Jun 29Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)


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