hilarrr, this was SUPER πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ«‘

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I am assuming the young sociopath didn't make it to the Sudanese country to personally act on his reign of terror. He probably was in line for a cashier's job at upscale restaurant or possibly the position of head of French fries.

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Very clever once you realize you are being messed with.

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No country should be subjected to a punishment this cruel and unusual.

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Again, it took me a while to realise this was ironic humour πŸ˜‚

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when researching a topic I always check Reddit βœ…πŸ˜»

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Because replacing the evil dictator with a Wikipedia mod was deemed cruel and unusual punishment.

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I used to be on Reddit all the time. I loved how many diverse opinions you could find to expand your viewpoints. People just knew so much stuff about things I never ran into before.

Then the great darkness descended. It was subtle at first; people spouting off about the benefits of censorship using tailored arguments they all stole from each other, incapable of admitting to the deceptive nature of their opinions, almost as if by design.

I deleted my account when the Aimee Knight controversy happened and never looked back. If y'all want a good real life example of why to never accept tech-bro censorship as normal, look her up.

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With current trends on world wide censorship (both totalitarian and so called Democracies), this could be a real story in the NY Times in a year or two depending on what happens in Nov.

Good job.

Dick Minnis


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One hopes they won't regret choosing a boy for a Wikipedia Editor's job.

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