May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

That's what happens when you fail to police your own movement and accept 'allies' willy nilly.

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May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

A movement that succumbed to equity. Let it RIP ☠️

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May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I’ve read many comments on social media lamenting this (what they consider) highjacking of their movement, their expression of their identities. Some are very vocal about what is going on (see Gays Against Groomers on X, for example) and are extremely distressed about the movements focus on children!

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They're great! I added a link to their X in the article. I kinda wish their name was a bit less incendiary, I think they get a lot of push back for using the word "groomer," although it is accurate in many cases.

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May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I actually approve of their name. I get your point, but at this stage in the game, we need to call things what they are, not some word or phrase that softens their meaning. For example, I’ll never use “Minor Attracted Person” when in actuality they’re pedophiles. If we don’t call these things what they really are, we just perpetuate the problem. I’m a very accepting person and could care less how they chose to conduct their sex life, but the line in the sand for me is children and sex trafficking!

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May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

"It's like staring into a rainbow tornado while riding a roller coaster blindfolded," remarked one unfortunate victim. "I support diversity and all, but this is just too much for my poor brain to handle."

Quote of the day LOL

Great work once again, Kyle!

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have encountered kids infected with rabid social justice and they pick apart your innocuous dialogue looking for an argument .

also, horror stories… https://www.pittparents.com/p/the-myth-of-the-trans-child

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May 3Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

in some ways it might be a good thing, because people can have their rainbows back.

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May 3Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

The history of the successive pride flags is like a flipbook portraying the decent into madness.

Its a journey into the abyss of mental illness…

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May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I need a gluten free Halal (but not Kosher) pizza with organic Feta cheese and no Bagels, or our democracy is in danger.

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May 10Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)


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May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

While I am an unabashed fan of the Beatles, a relistening to some of their best songs lead the listener down path of senseless fun. I think it would be great if someone younger and more computer-wise than myself would manufacture and sell LGTPQ+WIOVS+++ pins, shirts, and flags. It brings to mind

Boaty McBoatface and the whole Daoist thing. The whole crazy quilt of things the current 4th Reich is pushing is represented by a hypnotic whirlagig that is too reminiscent of the symbolism of the 3rd Reich.

The idea of taking the design of insane people and then adding personal touches is very Pythonesque. I'd buy one.

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May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I heard they will soon add black stripes of different temperature to represent reptiloids who can sense infrared.

(I'm not sure who exactly related this important information as I was wearing my eclipse glasses at the moment.)

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May 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Nihilism is a world of evil make-believe where they steal rainbows and unicorns from children.

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May 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

In the end there are just two standards. And there are lots and lots of numbers but only one satisfies the question 3+4=...

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