Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

All I had to see was “former personal assistant to Jeffrey Epstein” to see that was what was her payment to keep her mouth shut. She deserves to be in PRISON!!!

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

R2-DEI got me good

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I''m sure this edition of Star Wars will be as good as the all-female version of GHOSTBUSTERS or the totally gay BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN.

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Late night reading before bed…nice to have a good laugh before packing it in!

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I know not whether to laugh or cry.

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Yes, this is the world we live in! When we need to check to see if what we are reading is intentional farce or the farce of everyday life (which is rarely funny).

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Will not be watching now or ever. Will stick to rewatching the good stuff!

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I have to stop reading. Why waste my time on filth. If parents take their children to see this less

than a movie they are NO parents at all. I can' believe this movie could be turned into such

mental brainwashing for kids. PROPOGANDA..... Robots sex scene with oil. Is this film

X-Rated. Next thing you know kids will be trying this on themselves. Is this the point

that the so call producers want to emphasize. Despicable!

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Forget the Light Sabre duel between Kennedy and Lucas. I want to see one between Trump and Biden, Kathy Hockel and Robert Kennedy Junior, or Mike Church and David Knight, or even Pope Frantic and Chuckie Vigano.

Meanwhile, nothing can top what Disney did to Star Wars- The Farce Awakens, The Lost Jedi, and The Rise of The Cosmic Joke. They lampooned the original characters and did everything short of introducing a pack of lesbians to a Benedictine Monastery.

What Disney did to Star Wars is a microcosm of what the Revolution has done to Christendom.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Jun 17Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Woke-wars? No thanks.

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Jun 15Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

A light saber duel between Lucas and Iger! For that, I might even (briefly) reactivate my Disney- subscription!

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Disney- 😂

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Jun 14Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

That’s some MAD Magazine artwork there

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Jun 14Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Please don’t tell me it’s AI 🤣

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Jun 10Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

"In a shocking escalation, the mainstream media, in conjunction with Disney and producer Kathleen Kennedy, has literally declared war on dissenting fans, whom they paint as racist, homophobic, transphobic misogynists high on their own toxic masculinity".


All those Lefty Star Wars fans 'bout to get some H.L Mencken "Democracy - good and hard".

Oh the tangled webs we weave.

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

The woke stormtroopers protesting concept would make a great gag counter protest

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Jun 9Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

😂😂😂😂 brilliant.

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