May 5Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

FYI, the mysterious revelation was when anti-Israel protesters began shouting “Fuck Joe Biden” in unison with counter-protesters: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/unity-pro-palestine-and-pro-israel-protestors-chant-fck-joe-biden-in-unison/

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That was a rare, beautiful moment of unity!

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May 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Why isn't there news on what that coherent and factually accurate statement regarding a relevant, consequential issue actually was? Damn right wing free speech cancellation and censorship!

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May 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

The kids are not the problem.

They are a product of a very sick society and system.

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which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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Did the children come first?

... please think before responding...

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this ungodly mess persists, worsens from generation to generation … I’m sure they are little saints , God bless them.

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May 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

🤣. Oh kitten!!!

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I hope you are wrong!! :)

... I think you are wrong!

It already shows how panicked "they" are... they know that the "herd" is about to break out... their decisions and ways to try and stay in power at all costs have become just as ridiculous as the candidates that they are presenting us.

... messing with the constitution, trying to censor free speech... bringing up old issues that had been solved ( abortions and such )

the trials where proven criminals walk free ... ridiculous new laws and taxes all around ... the list is endless!

Desperate measures by a desperate system run by greedy, ignorant and arrogant men.

That is why they cannot find a decent human being to run for president anymore.

The majority of people are fed up!

Thankfully it has become this ridiculous!

The house of cards is about to come down.

And there will always be a few blind die- hards that just can't admit how blind they were and how badly they have been betrayed.

They won't matter!

And there won't be a place to hide.

... Mars isn't open yet ... lol

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The systems are broken .. of course it's inbred.. it's been happening for a long time.


The world we created has become a detriment to humans, animals and the planet.

And now people are wondering why our children are going nuts ... in all kinds of ways....

Life has become a rat race, a meatgrinder... mental illness and nervous system ailments are at an alltime high.

Blaming is never the solution. Especially the kids!! LOL

Why is it so crazy? How come? How did that happen? Where did we go wrong?

Find the cause and change what's wrong.

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May 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

You can “blame” all of my boomer generation ex-hippie types! They all went into the education field. Those of us who went into the real world, worked with our hands, in a trade or in business, figured it out early on. Unfortunately, we ignored the socialist/fascist/communist teachings taking place in universities “educating” our kids. We dropped the ball!

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It's been goind downhill for the last 50 years, no matter who was in charge...

Every system as far as i can see, is broken.

Let's talk about solutions instead.

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So the better system that is being forced on us will be tyrannical, and the “kids” as you call them will be blaming previous generations just the same way you are An K. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! There is plenty blame to spread around. Last time I checked, college “kids” average age is 26 years old. As my mom would say, that’s old enough to know better. Oh, and she taught me about the pot and kettle thing too! 😊

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Hey An, this issue of finding the solution is going to be the question that we take to the grave, without an answer. The reason for that is that the solution is different depending on the individual as we all seek different things in this world, and many of those that seek what they seek, only seek it because they have been conditioned to seek what they seek. The solution for me will be different to the solution for you. However, that doesn't mean that we can't stand in our own authority, which is actually the only solution that could be universally approved on, if people actually understood what that meant; of course, most don't know that means. We have been raised in a system where are reliant on the things we despise, for our own survival; namely centralisation of food supply and energy supply, and the VAST majority don't have the time, space, knowledge, and or wherewithal to replace this centralised system with something closer to home and under their/our control.

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As a fellow satire writer I also can vouch that literally banging your head against a wall produces surprising results

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May 4Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Okay, what was it that came out of the Ivy League that was coherent?

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. (Once with ZULU time.)

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There is a clue, when the rival college group mentions the "oppressive hegemony of gluten" 😂

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the error rate is probably an inbreeding issue

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