Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Ja, sehr gut Wunderbar

Get them closer to where they will end up going, and closer to the real god, underground.

It is logic, the closer to their grave the better for their thoughts.

After all, death is all the should think about , all the rest is completely pointless for Ivy League students .

If can make a suggestion, their chairs should be made out of stone, and resemble tomb stones, perhaps with their names already engraved on it .


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Jan 17Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I heard that the Debate Club is releasing a new version of the dictionary. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are not allowed. Only prepositions, exclamations, and articles.

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Jan 17Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

And pronouns. Can’t forget those!

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Jan 20Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Now THIS is high-octane satire. Fantastic!

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Thanks so much, Stone! You are killin' it with Stone Age, love what I read so far and looking forward to digging in more. If you like our content please consider a recommendation and we'll gladly return the favor!

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Jan 20Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Absolutely, you got it. I'll update the recommendation immediately.

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Jan 17Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

“The echo chamber, replete with plush velvet walls and gold-plated acoustics, is expected to host debates on a range of topics carefully curated to avoid any uncomfortable confrontation with inconvenient truths.”

Sounds like my old job, and most “focus groups” I’ve attended - minus the velvet and gold.

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Feb 2Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)


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Jan 24Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

It's funny because it's true. But we all know it was Theodore Pompous II that bought the club presidency.

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Jan 18Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Dayum but I doooo love reading your stuff! 🤣

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Thanks so much! Appreciate your support 🙏

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deletedJan 18Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)
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