Apr 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

howard stern became pig vomit. ironic. fartman indeed.

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Apr 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

For a couple years I lived in a city with an all-talk radio station that aired his show. It was 2000-2002 and I listened to that station all the time. Music sucked and I was interested in big city culture. His show aired on my way in to a job I had and I hated it if for no other reason than in dragged me through long commercial breaks. The show was full with inside jokes I didn't get and an audience that prided itself with playing along. Really sad humor and less interesting than the other far-less famous local shows I liked but one morning in that 4-5 month span he made a big deal out of an announcement leading up to "Soon I'll be leaving radio for good" (to paraphrase) giving the impression for a short time he was retiring. Kind of a hoax that finally meant he was transitioning to serius satellite. Somehow I learned he was making $20M per year and I guess it stunned me a little. I'm glad for it because in hindsight I was beginning to wake up; that something was deeply wrong on a multitude of levels. I also realized it wasn't Howard I found to be so troubling about it. What amazed me was that society pandered to such an obvious imbalance. They played the apologist to such worthless clowns running off with the loot. Later it's no surprise the same public's reward is to be coerced by said jackasses to take bioweapons and shut their faces. Guys like Bill Gates pouring billions into our poisoning regularly and making statements like "I don't discuss my investments" is no surprise but it isn't evil characters like him who have me baffled, it's that I live in a society that panders to the unfairness as they mock us and snuff us all out. The jackasses are just a handful of psychos with billions of apologists. Now we need to know our enemies and these are our choices.

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Apr 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Stern is suffering from irrelevance and ego. He is as relevant to the 21st century as outhouses and vaudeville.

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Apr 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

A much deserved decline, in my opinion. He always appeared to be unbalanced to me…Covid obviously tipped him right over the edge.

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Apr 28Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

How many old “rebels against the establishment” like Stern have morphed into establishment shills. Being a Boomer myself, I have watched nearly all of them flip flop. Where are the anti war, anti government, free speech, anti Big Pharma libs? Is it just me or are they all now official spokespeople for “The Man” to use their former terms?

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Apr 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

It could be worse for the guy. Someone could've made a «Who the fork is Stern?» podcast.

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Apr 28Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Everyone forgot the first thing he did to really get famous, the first time he did something that made him part of the news. It was quite stupid and disgusting. It didn’t have anything to do with sex or bimbos.

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Well, Steve? Spill the beans! :)

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Apr 28Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

The Air Florida plane that crashed into the Potomac River on a very cold winter day. A news helicopter was able to rescue a few passengers who were in the water. 1 man waved off the chopper so it could rescue others. He froze to death, I believe. While it was still happening and the local news was covering it, Stern called the company’s phone number at Dulles Airport and asked them, “How much for a flight from the airport to the Potomac River?” On air, of course. The employee who answered was clearly freaking out.

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Wow! Yeah, he did a lot of cringe stuff like that early on. Anything to get attention! Thanks for the reminder.

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deletedApr 28Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)
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Apr 28Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

And there were his dipshit fans whom he encouraged to call other radio shows, engage the host for a few seconds, then scream into the phone “STERN RULES!” This happened to G. Gordon Liddy once. He just shrugged it off.

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Apr 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

An old washed up has been hiding in his house from a fake virus.

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May 15Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

This is exactly why Stern won the prestigious Harvey Dent Award!


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May 12Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

I was a loyal listener for years. Even went to the “funeral” he had for John DiBella in Philadelphia, front row. Once Jackie left, the show started skidding off the road. Artie was go at the beginning, but once the heroin addiction started, it really changed. He is completely unlistenable now.

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Apr 27Liked by Kyle Kissinger (no relation)

Okay, I really REALLY do not know if this satire... but either way, it's good stuff! 🫡

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Haha. The headline is satire, the rest of the article is pretty realistic. Although - Stern doesn't reveal his actual ratings (wonder why), so the headline could in fact be true!

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