Disease X Variants Announced: Y & Z
After the skeptical, lack-luster response to Disease X from the public, health officials announced new deadly variants just four days later.
Davos - The cretins at the World Economic Forum have announced the emergence of two new variants of Disease X, aptly named Y & Z, that are purportedly ten million trillion times deadlier. WEF Scientists are baffled as to how these variants escaped, er, emerged, but they're certain that wearing masks, social distancing, endless injections and relinquishing your rights, liberty and dignity will prevent and treat the dreaded new illness.
In response to this alarming development, WEF officials have declared a state of emergency and urged the public to remain calm and follow their orders unquestioningly. Critics have pointed out that these major health agencies have been consistently wrong and deceptive since Covid, using fear tactics to further a nefarious agenda, but officials have brushed off these concerns, stating that "trusting the science" means never admitting you're wrong.
Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF, has been spotted in a bunker, wearing a wizard's cloak, stirring a cricket stew in a metal cauldron, while World Health Organization Director Tedros performed in drag and Bill Gates leered lustfully. When asked for comment, Schwab stated, "Ve are just getting started, vith 23 letters of ze alphabet left for new variants."
In the midst of the chaos, the public has been left to wonder about the meaning behind these mysterious variant names. Theories abound, with some suggesting that "Y" stands for "You're all doomed," while others believe "Z" is a reference to the impending "zombie apocalypse." Conspiracy theorists have had a field day, with one group claiming that the variants were named after the last two letters in the alphabet to signify the "end of humanity as we know it." Another group was unsure about the "Y" but claimed "Z" refers to Zeta Reticuli and the reptilians who traveled here from that distant star system, implying a larger, more sinister plot to control the population.
In conclusion, as Disease X stumbles onto the global stage accompanied by its purported sidekicks, variants Y and Z, it appears that the public's trust in health-related news is wearing thinner than a disposable face mask. After the roller coaster of misinformation, conflicting guidelines, and mishandling during the Covid plandemic, it seems we've all become certified skeptics. It's as if our collective response to the latest viral news is a resounding, "Oh, hell no," even among fervent Covidians. Perhaps the silver lining in this viral circus is that we've all mastered the art of side-eye skepticism. Here's to hoping that next time, public health announcements come with a side of transparency and a sprinkle of trust, because we've all had our fill of lies, gaslighting and tyranny.
What are your thoughts on Disease X and variants Y & Z, and what new cleverly named variants do you predict? Let us know in the comments below!
For Russia and other countries using Cyrillic script, Z will be replaced by Й.
see: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D1%85%D1%83%D0%B9#Russian
(this word is also a recurring theme in urban graffiti)
Quite frankly, the Snakes never pull exactly the same thing twice. The latest Plandemic nonsense seems especially targeted at us Tinfoil Hat folks. Klaus Schwaub obviously has one function- to generate noise. The guy is so obviously a cross between Darth Vader and Uncle Sugardaddy, it is comical. I laugh that people on both sides of the spectrum take this clown seriously. But yes, he and Fauci, Gates, and Harris are the faces of the Plandemic gaslighting us all- the sheeple obviously, and those of onto the scamdemic if we are not careful.
Schwaub is to the WEF what Pope Frantic is to the Vatican- the supreme noisemaker. They do not care how you react- just that you do so, and stay focused on feeding the Twitter Dumpster Fire and etcetera.
The next Great False Flag is going to be something akin to Cyberpolygon, which is going to morph with some incident overseas- perhaps the sinking of an aircraft carrier?- to suck us into WW3. Then the sheeple have two options- be ejected fromt he Beast System and enjoy a diet of dandelion roots and earthworms- or so they will say- or enlist for WW3.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!